Cheril Triol, a pupil from Sto. Domingo Elementary School, Iloilo City, is among the five national winners of the 2012 World Food Day (WFD) on-the-spot poster making contest.
The contest was held at Quezon City Memorial Circle on Thursday, October 18 during the culminating activities of the WFD. The contest was participated by 17 public school pupils who are regional winners of the poster making contest. The contestants were to depict the contest theme, ‘Agricultural cooperatives: Key to feeding the world.’
Triol, second from left, received 15,000 Php in cash, a plaque and an educational tour package. Along with her are the other winners(from left): Cherizze Joy Carreon (Sarrat North Central, Ilocos Norte); (Divisoria, Mexico, Pampanga); Ralph James Bordios (Divisoria, Mexico, Pampanga); Agriculture Secretary Proceso J. Alcala; Ericka Balbuena (Tayum, Abra); and Jestoni Rubantes (East Bayugan Central, Agusan del Sur).
The contest is held yearly as part of the week-long observance of World Food Day, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). During the 2012 WFD culminating program—attended by 1,000 DA officials and staff and leaders of farmers’ and fisherfolk’s cooperatives—this year’s six national ‘Outstanding Rural Women‘ were also honored.